
Claude Monet inspires Friedrich Wille

This new collection is specially for all the at lovers…

Claude Monet inspired designs and inspiration
Claude Monet inspired designs and inspiration

The renowned jeweller Friedrich Wille, known for the wonders he creates with precious fire enamel, pays homage to the French impressionist Claude Monet. The jewellery collection showcases the remarkable talent of the FreyWille team as they depict the work of the French Impressionist’s aim to display the beauty of nature.

The collection is divided into three design lines- Giverny, Honfleur and Orangerie that are inspired by many of Monet’s unforgettable masterpieces and features various bracelets, rings, pendants, watches and even chic clutch bags.

A Frey Wille bracelet from the Giverny line
A Frey Wille bracelet from the Giverny line

Giverny was Monet’s way of transferring idyllic scenery into abstract motifs with his master brush strokes. In FreyWille’s Giverny, artists align all elements of fluidly: flora, raw nature, light and abstract bright colours for which Monet is most famous. With love for detail, the impressionistic brushstrokes, the reflections dancing elegantly on the grass and blossoms have been well captured in Giverny.

Honfleur’s focus is the red, orange and rose coloured opulent chrysanthemums, so loved by Monet, with gold contour in calligraphic style that fluently surrounds the petals, showcasing his love for Japanese art. The set is named after a port town whose idyllic setting was a source of inspiration for many Impressionist artists.

And Orangerie is dedicated to Monet’s most famous works—the water lily paintings. The motif reflects the atmosphere of Giverny, the scent of flowers, the warmth of the sun and the gentle breezes of Normandy. Together with shimmering light on the blossoms and waves – representing the sunset – Orangerie suggests a perfect allegory of idyll. The renderings of the modern representation of the famous water lily with fire enamel have brought out impressive colour effects.

For those who wonder about the thought process that goes behind making such remarkable pieces… here is a sneak peak into FreyWille’s design studio


One Comment

  • Reply
    Anne-Kristin Knabe 10 years ago

    Dear Preeta,

    Thanks for the nice write-up for our brand.
    It’s really a great article.
    I hope your readers enjoy it.

    Have a nice day ahead!

    Anne-Kristin Knabe

    Business Development Manager



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