With the spring season reaching its peak across the globe, let us look at some of the most desirable gemstones that will rule these couple of months before the harsh summers set in. My latest story ‘Shades Of Spring’ is from the latest issue of Solitaire Magazine and is based on the Pantone’s Sping Colour Trend forecasts for 2018, these gemstones and the matching jewellery has been hand picked from renowned global jewellers for a truly international feel. Enjoy this fragrant season of spring while it lasts!

Our favourite hues from Pantone’s Spring Colour Trends 2018
A leader in forecasting colour trends, Pantone Color Institute has unveiled its trend report for Spring 2018. Released after great analysis, these trends are followed faithfully by the global design fraternity, including fashion, interiors, and jewellery.
Fun and playful with bright shades, the colour palette for Spring 2018 is diverse with deep, rich colours mixed with sweet and pastel hues, adding a sense of complexity and drama to the range. We pick top six colours reminiscent of our favourite Spring gemstones.

A mid-tone dove grey, Harbor Mist gives a core base to the Spring 2018 palette. It provides a landscape for complex colour mixes, providing a sense of sophistication and serenity to the whole equation. In the gemstone colour palette, Tahitian pearls or smokey grey pearls come closest to this neutral shade. When used with white gold and diamonds, these pearls give a monochrome effect, yet manage to convey a sea of emotions.
“Many of Yoko London’s collections incorporate Tahitian Pearls in their vast array of colours and tones. For 2018, we are looking forward to using pale grey Tahitians in our range of jewellery. The Harbor Mist tones are cool neutrals, which are classically elegant but will add a contemporary edge to the designs.” – MANDY NAMDAR, senior sales executive, Yoko London. Necklace in white gold, diamonds, and Tahitian pearls, YOKO LONDON

Adding a zing to the overall soothing palette is the sharp and pungent Lime Punch. Hitting a unique chord with its citrus kick, this colour matches very closely to the green peridot. With its unique hue, this gemstone needs exceptional designs and combinations to communicate the right mood. Peridots are experimental by their looks and often invoke entry into an unimaginable zone, giving a mysterious high note to the whole Spring colour palette.

Adding a little bit of vibrancy to the Spring palette is Ultra Violet, whose bright appeal provides instant glamour to most colour combinations. When translating this distinct and complex appeal to jewellery, we get a fascinating gemstone — amethyst. This versatile stone works best with shades of gold and most coloured gemstones. A feminine favourite, shades of violet also lean into the realm of purple and lavender, conveying originality and ingenuity. It is available in varying shades, from intense periwinkle to pale watery hues.
“Amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that stands for royalty, aristocracy, and love. It is an integral part of many of my signature pieces that narrate stories of sensuous romanticism. For me it surpasses any trend predictions.” – FARAH KHAN, designer, Farah Khan Fine Jewellery

Most colour palettes tend to go very feminine without any shade of blue or brown, thus the Sailor Blue Navy shade anchors this colour scheme. Bringing a breath of fresh air and a feeling of optimism, this Pantone hue is closest to a Tanzanite. A royal and rich gem, Tanzanite adds confidence and energy when paired with all shades of gold. Also a recent discovery, this divergent gemstone has caught the fancy of many jewellery designers globally.
“Tanzanite is a beautiful and unique gemstone with a rare crystal structure, which can offer two colours at once, striking shades of blue and violet. This characteristic makes tanzanite a very attractive gemstone to use, and mixes well with this year’s spring colour palette, allowing one to create an interesting array of contrasts.” – LEYLA ABDOLLAHI, designer, Leyla Abdollahi London Tanzanite and diamond ring, LEYLA ABDOLLAHI

One of nature’s Favourites, Blooming Dahlia exudes a feeling of Spring right from its name. The colour is a subtle, almost fragrant, peachy-pink, reminding us of various blooming owers that mesmerise in Spring. This understated appeal is visible in corals and conch pearls. When paired with clear diamonds, they look like little babies nestled amongst a mother’s lap. Even an all-diamond jewellery in rose gold ts this colour palette perfectly. Exuding a modest, delicate and charming personality, this colour is also very noble and welcoming.
“My love for conch pearl began with the primary aspect of its elegant colour, the form, re, unique ame structure, and all the characters of the conch. No two conch pearls are alike in nature, and they t perfectly for the trends in 2018.” – ANNA HU, designer, Anna Hu Haute Joaillerie Harmonic earrings in conch pearls and diamonds, ANNA HU

The Cherry Tomato completes the colour range, reminding us of a ery orangey-red that exudes warmth as well as adds drama. Impulsive and vivacious, this colour demands attention, and so does its counterpart gemstone — spessartite garnet. This multi-dimensional gemstone seeks a lot of thought design-wise. Often used in limited capacity, this colour literally adds the cherry on top of the Spring cake.

Tags: amethyst, Anna Hu, Conch Pearl, Faberge, Farah Khan, garnet, Jewellery trends, Leyla Abdollahi, Pantone, Peridot, Piaget, solitaire magazine, Spessartite Garnet, Tahitian Pearls, Tanzanite, Yoko London